Course introduction

Aroma Acupuncture Therapy: Using Essential Oils in Chinese Medicine

with Peter Holmes

Aroma Acupuncture Therapy, also known as Essential Oil Acupuncture or Aromatherapy Acupuncture, is a complementary approach that combines the principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) with the use of essential oils. It is a relatively modern adaptation of traditional acupuncture that incorporates the therapeutic benefits of essential oils to enhance the treatment.

Key aspects of Aroma Acupuncture Therapy include:

Essential Oils: Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts derived from various parts of plants, such as flowers, leaves, roots, and fruits. These oils possess distinctive aromas and contain active compounds that have potential therapeutic effects on the body and mind.

Acupuncture: Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese medical practice that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate and balance the flow of energy (Qi) along meridians. It is based on the concept that an imbalance or blockage in the flow of Qi can lead to health issues.

Synergy: Aroma Acupuncture Therapy aims to create a synergistic effect by combining the benefits of both acupuncture and essential oils. Acupuncture helps restore the flow of Qi, while the essential oils provide additional therapeutic properties through their aromas and absorption through the skin.

Individualized Approach: Like traditional acupuncture, Aroma Acupuncture Therapy is typically tailored to the individual's specific health condition, constitution, and symptoms. Practitioners consider the person's overall well-being to determine the appropriate acupuncture points and essential oils for treatment.

Application Methods: Essential oils can be applied during Aroma Acupuncture Therapy in several ways, such as massaging the oils onto acupuncture points, using them in diffusers to create a relaxing atmosphere, or applying them to specific parts of the body to target particular symptoms.

Potential Benefits: Advocates of Aroma Acupuncture Therapy suggest that the combination of acupuncture and essential oils can help address a wide range of health issues, including stress and anxiety reduction, pain relief, immune system support, and improvement in mood and emotional well-being.

Accredited Video Course

(lifetime access)

  • 11 CEU credits (EMR, TCM-Fachverband and ASA)

  • Course fee: € 350.-

  • Course duration: 11.5 hrs

  • Watch and rewind video as often as you like

  • Learn at your own pace

  • Ask your questions to your lecturer by e-mail

Course snippet

Course overview

  • 1

    Part 1: The Essential Oils

    • Handout Teil 1

    • Introduction

    • The Botanical Sources of Essential Oils

    • The Agricultural Production of Essential Oils

    • The Universal Triad

    • Bergamot Oil

    • Comprehensive Definition of a Bioactive Essential Oil

    • Oil Extraction

  • 2

    Part 2: Using Essential Oils in Chinese Medicine

    • Handout W2 + W3

    • Introduction

    • The Four Gateways of Essential Oil Delivery

    • The General Properties of Essential Oils

    • The General Properties of Essential Oils - 2

    • The General Properties of Essential Oils - 3

    • The General Properties of Essential Oils - 4

    • Essential Oils, Jing Shen and Channel Circulation

    • The Six Fragrance Energies

  • 3

    Part 3: The Six Conditions of Functional Pathology

    • Handout Teil 3

    • Introduction

    • Top Tone Oils: Rising and Expanding

    • Base Tone Oils: Centering and Sinking

    • The Six Conditions of Functional Pathology

    • Synthesis of the Alchemical/Shamanisitic Greek and Chinese Systems

    • The Tension Element

    • The Warmth Element

    • The Moisture Element

    • The Six Conditions of Functional Pathology - repetition

    • Progression of Six Condition Patterns

    • Six Condition Zangfu Patterns

    • Aroma Acupoint Therapy

    • Aroma Acupoint Therapy - 2

  • 4

    Part 4: Practical Treatments for Different Conditions

    • Handout Teil 4

    • Little exercise

    • Simultaneous Tense & Weak Condition (General Dysregulation)

    • Hot Condition

    • Damp Condition

    • Progression of Six Condition Patterns

    • The three fragrance energies that treat Weak conditions

    • The five fragrance energies that treat types of damp conditions

About the lecturer

Peter Holmes

Peter Holmes LAc, MH is a medical herbalist, essential oil therapist and practitioner of Oriental Medicine. With over 30 years’ experience of using herbal and essential oil medicines in clinical practice, he has pioneered their use in Chinese and energetic medicine in particular and is co-founder of Aroma Acupoint Therapy. Peter continues to develop both physiological and psychological applications for essential oils in clinical practice. He is author of several acclaimed textbooks on herbal and essential oil medicine, including Aromatica: A Clinical Guide to Essential Oil Therapeutics Vols. 1 & 2, The Energetics of Western Herbs: A Materia Medica Integrating Western and Chinese Herbal Therapeutics Vols. 1 & 2, and Jade Remedies, A Chinese Herbal Reference for the West Vols. 1 & 2.